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The quizzes below allow you to assess your cultural knowledge, your personal values, and your organisational culture.

Are you ready to successfully innovate in emerging economies?



Generic tools
Irrespective of your target country, the three tools below will help you assess your cultural knowledge, your values and your organisational culture. You can take the tools in any order you like.

Test your knowledge of culture, learn about the impact of culture and get tips on what competence areas to improve.

20 questions
5 minutes

Understand your own values in order to understand others. Get a report on 6 personality traits.

19 questions
<10 minutes

What is your organisational culture? How does it support your internationalisation and innovation activities?
22 questions
<10 minutes
Culture zone quizzes
How do people from different geographic regions tend to behave differently compared to Western Europe? Each quiz consists of 15 True/False questions.

Arab World and Middle East - Quiz
Do people value work more than free time? Take this short quiz and learn more about this region (Egypt, Iran, Qatar, United Arab Emirates).

15 questions
5 minutes

Latin America - Quiz
Do Latin Americans appreciate punctuality less than Europeans? Take this quiz and learn more on this region (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru).

15 questions
5 minutes

Southeast Asia - Quiz
Do students from this region have better results than European ones? Learn more about this region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam).
15 questions
5 minutes

Sub-Saharan Africa - Quiz
Do people from Sub-Saharan Africa value punctuality? Are women integrated to work life? Test and improve your knowledge of culture in Sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, Kenya).

15 questions
5 minutes
Country specific quizzes
Test your knowledge of culture and the innovation landscape of specific countries.

Knowledge on India

What are the most lucrative and innovative sectors for the startup ecosystem in India? Do people from India appreciate punctuality less than Europeans? Not sure about the answers? Take this CUBE IN quiz and learn more!  

Knowledge on Brazil

How do the negotiations in Brazil look like? What are the most innovative sectors? Would you like to find out more about this interesting country? Take the quiz!

Knowledge on China

What is the "Belt and Road initiative"? Have you already heard about "Guanxi"? Try our CUBE IN quiz about China and learn more about the culture and innovation environment!

Knowledge on Vietnam

Is it complicated for foreign companies to reach the Vietnamese market? How to behave during the first meeting with Vietnamese business partners? Take the Cube In quiz and test your knowledge on this Southeast Asian country!

Knowledge on Mexico

What should you keep in mind while negotiating with Mexicans? Is Mexican "machismo" only a myth? Test your knowledge of Mexican culture and innovation in our quiz!

Knowledge on Malaysia

How does the decision-making process work in Malaysia? Is it difficult for a foreigner to start a business in Malaysia? Test your knowledge of Malaysian culture and innovation in our quiz and learn more!

Knowledge on United Arab Emirates

How diverse is the economy of the UAE? What cultural influences are present in the UAE culture? Try out the quiz and learn more about the United Arab Emirates!

Knowledge on Turkey

How much do you know about negotiating with Turks? Which are the most developed sectors? Take the quiz and find out more about Turkey!

Knowledge on Nigeria

Is the usage of AI and Big Data rare in Nigeria? How important is here success? Start our quiz on Nigerian culture and innovation and find out more!

Knowledge on Peru

What is the major barrier for the development of Peru's innovation capacity? Is hiring a family member problematic? Take this quiz about Peru and learn more!

Knowledge on Kenya

Can ethnical background affect business in Kenya? How is the ICT sector in this country? Take this quiz and find out more about the culture and innovation in Kenya!

Knowledge on Pakistan

How important are facts and figures while working on a deal with a Pakistani business partner? What are consumers' decisions in Pakistan based on? Test yourself and find out more about Pakistani culture and innovation!

Innovation in Bangladesh

Is it easy to set up a business in Bangladesh? What are the most promising sectors for SMEs? Take our Cube In quiz and learn about innovating in Bangladesh!

Innovation in Chile

Is Chile an attractive country for investment? Does the government provide a good support for start-ups? Take this quiz and learn about innovating in Chile!

Innovation in Thailand

What drives tourism in Thailand? Does the monarchy interfere in the economy? Find your answers in our quiz about innovation in Thailand!


Mexican on a mission (Mexico, Chile, Germany)

Are Mexico and Chile similar markets? Would you know how to operate a business in Chile? Try out our new CASE STUDY QUIZ! 

Innovation in South Korea

How do chaebols play a role in the South Korean market? What are the most attractive industries for foreign businesses? Find your answers in our quiz about innovation in South Korea!

Inshalla – Project Management Across Saudi Arabia and Germany

What do you need to keep in mind when working with Saudis? How do the project management practices translate in German and Saudi culture? Try out the Cube In Case Study quiz!

Innovation in Indonesia

What are the Start-up opportunities in Indonesia? Which is the fasted growing sector? Try out this quiz and learn more about the innovation opportunities in Indonesia!

Knowledge on Singapore

Is Singapore more innovative than the United States of America? Is it illegal to chew gum in Singapore? Try out this quiz and learn more about Singaporean culture and business!

Can you Lead in India?

A Swedish carmaker opened an assembly plant in India. Adrian, a highly successful manager in Sweden, was sent to India to set up and lead a team of engineers. How did Adrian do and what were his biggest challenges? 

Innovation in Egypt

What is Egypt's Vision 2030? What is the start-up situation in Egypt? Try out our quiz and learn more about Egypt!

Innovation in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, also referred to as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is the world's second largest oil producer and the largest oil exporter. How important are the ICT or tourism sectors in Saudi Arabia and how is the Start-up situation? Take our quiz and learn more!

Innovation in Tanzania

The United Republic of Tanzania is located in the African Great Lakes region in East Africa. Tanzania is one of the fastest-growing economies in East Africa and became the second-largest economy in East Africa by 2020. How much do you know about Tanzania? Try the quiz!

Innovation in Singapore

The Republic of Singapore, a city-state island off the coast of the Malay Peninsula, is one of ASEAN's fastest-growing nations. Singapore is the world's fourth-largest beneficiary of FDI inflows, behind only the USA, China and Hong Kong. Take our quiz and learn more!

Winning Business in Nigeria

A German construction company, Hoch Engineering Co, wanted to grow its market in Africa. Having gained considerable ground in the Kenyan and South African markets, they decided to bid for a building contract for a public service agency in Nigeria. How did it go in Nigeria? Try our quiz and find out!

Innovation in Argentina

Argentina is the second-largest country in South America, after Brazil, and also has the second-best economy in South America. The country is a member of the Group of 20 (G20), an intergovernmental forum that brings together the world's 20 most powerful economies. Test your knowledge about innovation in Argentina!

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